Please write a short testimonial about the ReferralGENIE™ Service. We'd also love feedback on why you believe referrals are important and how our service can help. Thank you!

  • Please write a small testimonial or review about how you think ReferralGENIE will help you with your business
  • What is your biggest problem as a real estate agent today?
  • What is a feature you'd like to see in ReferralGENIE™ in the near future?
  • Was there anything more we could have done or explained better today?
  • On a Scale of 1 to 10 - Please advise how effective our profile set up appointment was for you so we can improve.
  • If less than 10, what could we have done to improve that score?
  • Considering commuting times, marketing, showings, and open houses, about how many hours do you invest in one lead before that turns into a transaction?
  • If you would like us to link back to your website for SEO, please enter it below